Every phone is making some problem in daily life weahter it perfect branded or normal. You are getting over heat or hang issue which could be for a few reasons. today i will explain you how to identify the reason and make your perfect solution. you should read the article carefully to not mistake a point. at the end i hope you will get a perfect solution for it.
Understanding the reason first! why it over heating or getting slowed
Game & big application: Now a days maximum User keeping big application or gaming application in their mobile phone as a result the mobile always been blocked largest space. this can be a good reason for overheating your phone. you should clear your unuse data from your memory. in certain time Random Access Memory always booked if you keep using big size application or a big size game apps it can be a good reasons overheating your phone.
Low space & big files: low space in your memory and big size file is also another problem. check your phone memory if you have a big size video files or image files. you should have at least 50% free space for all time. in this case you should remove your big size video files or any other documents even you have necessary photos in your phone. overheating sometimes came from many different other reasons which will discuss in next section
Charging Cable: if you keep using a different charging cable for your phone it can be another reason for overheating. specially when you are charging, you will notice the phone is getting fired. make sure that charging cable is original one which is came alone in your purchase time.
Background Process: every smartphone have a certain number of processing limit. you need to be an expert user in order to identify the processing limit of your phone. to ensure this you have to get access in your phone which is available in to settings.
Here is solution for protecting overheat & hanging
Follow the step below. if you don’t know what is the this take help from an expert friend.
- First open developer options and find out a standard process limits. you will see there is a default standard process limit is 4. so change it to zero will have no background process please will reduce pressure in your chips. if this function works for you then your phone will immediately cool.
- your second solution is delete some unused data or big size file from your memory. before you do anything related is space make sure you have sufficient Random Access Memory for free and phone memory should be clean at least 50%. you should delete your phone memory big files and then scan for Malware.
- there is a certain game app which is big problem for smartphone. I have a personal experience using some of them. first time I did not detect this can be a reason for overheating and hanging my phone. the game is popular as a result you want to believe it can be a big reasons for overheating your phone. so delete the game app for at least one week and see if your problem solved.
still you are getting the same problem after following my above tips. please make a comments your exact problems so I may help you better than this thanks for taking time period this articles.