Is there any forex expert advisor that really works

This is very common question. I have been a Forex trader about 5 years now. I have discussed with a lot of traders to know their opinion. There is a certain people only like to trade using robots. first time robots make some good trades then blow up account. 99% robots doing same! i will explain you some good points and a solution to protect unwanted stop out.

Expert advisor VS indicator

Expert advisor is not a diffrent things other than normal indicator. normal indicator can’t open any trades but present the possible signal. an expert advisor can open trades on the signal. that’s it! there is no other difference between EA & Indicator. so it is easy to understand expert advisor is not something that have biggest capacity to trace profitable signal. EA can accurate but not 100%.

Grow money using EA?

You have a chances of 50%. Because sometime your robots will make some shit trade that will messed up everything. After a few days your expert advisor start making loss and loss although first time you saw it is working good. Market volatility, high news, etc time robot can’t identify direction. If suddenly market direction changed robots keep hanging with trades as a result wipe account to zero. forex trading a very hard work because you must have perfect analysis to pull up profit from market.

Best EA that really works

There is nothing like that in the world. even some of EA present perfect result you will happy to use that. Because slow profit, small amount trades and much other horrible matter. when you keep using a robots make sure you withdraw money every day or week. just keep your capital and try to withdraw all investment. after a week, month even a year you will see EA is making you loss. actually expert advisor never can make you happy. i have tested more than 500 EA in last 5 years but no one is giving perfect result. if you can keep an investment like $10,000 and happy to make profit $20-50 per day then EA is for you.

Solution that really you should know!

There is some EA that rolling your eyes but you don’t know perfect settings parameter. optimization such settings is really big challenge. example expert advisor:- Gold Staff EA, Price action scalper, Ai price action, Forex flex, Forex furry, Greezly Bot Pro, Advance gold trader etc. there is many similar but those all is best in my view. for free EA check Dark venus and forex gump EA. i am not able to provide each EA set file here so if you wish to use any of them just contact me. i will share the best SET file and direction for your success.

Using EA trades you must agree to withdraw your weekly profit otherwise you may lose the gained value. i appreciate your valuable comments.