Is it worthy buying course online to learn something?

Absolutely not! Buying course is helpful but gaining the knowledge of strategy is complex. Every human brain always produce something new by own way. To match the strategy with you may be a problem. I will try to explain exactly how you can gain something by purchasing any course over internet.

Buy course from reputable website

You may know udemy is one of popular platform to buy and sell course. They review the digital item before publishing to their platform. You can find out a lot of similar website which is very popular. Buying some course from such place is worthy.

There is some reputable YouTube channel where you can buy course. Many of YouTubers selling private course to help you learn something special. Although, it is very difficult to find a perfect YouTube channel but many of them really good and exists. You need research their activities before buying course.

There is many individuals website who selling course. Professional freelancer, photographer, videographer, internet marketer selling their technique. Probably you are buying course to learn and reflect on a business to grow it. That’s how a new business grew everyday. Need a lot of research about the individual site, seller review , item price then decide to buy. There is many scammers who displayed such course in their site but actually nothing to be delivered after the payment. Be careful and find out legit site then make payment. it is easy to be a victim when you pay through crypto (because it non refundable).

What type result you will have after buying course?

I’ve an estimate! I am a freelancer for more than 15 years. So I passed a lot of times and saw many seller. In that case I gained much knowledge about it.

let’s discuss the ongoing result after buying course. For an example – you purchase a course that delivered in PDF file. Now you need to read entire PDF and overcome. Final possibility will be 50% gained and rest useless. Actually, you will see you already knew 25% before buying course. another 25% understand after reading it, and rest 25% difficult to understand and final 25% is not possible. After finishing your journey match your situation with this article.

More one example – let’s say you purchase a course that showing you via video. It can be YouTube, personal video, even Google meet discussions. After seeing full video you still looking for help because you do not understand fully. Situation going back to above 50% again. Google meet or any live class will be same at the end.

So why people selling course and other party buying?

This questions is very common. Everyone try to grow money, grow business. No one is focus how much you gained. Even there is a good customer service already provided you by seller? that will not sufficient. Maximum seller even don’t know full task but they trying to sell their uncompleted course, because of making money is only focus. People buying such course with just a hope as they will learn something new even not full strategy. Generally, buyer search in Google and YouTube to avail rest knowledge.

Finally, I would suggest you buy course only if you are happy with 50% success result of using it. Because, you will need learn more 50% from out of the course. In rare case you will gain 100% result from a series of course.