Business plan for selling virtual card

virtual card selling business idea

Virtual card is a similar credit cards provided by financial institution. As a bank account holder you can have a debit card (plastic) from your bank. Hence, virtual card is a same thing just not a plastic card. It has a big demand in marketplace as a result I am going to show you a good business idea using virtual card.

Key requirements

  • Have to be a reseller or own a card issuer company/partner
  • Need a website/blog/youtube channel
  • Email marketing (optional)

Sell virtual card online

Before you starting selling, first know it virtual card is usable for online payments, purchase from internet, top-up and reuse it. This type card using people whom don’t have a real credit card. Your target customer will be similar people’s who does not have a card.

Clients who don’t have any bank provided credit card he/she will purchase the card from you. Generally, bank ask for huge documents, sufficient funds and much complex agreement in order to issue a card. To avoid such critical matters people look around buy virtual card and use over internet.

How to start this business ? Need a website/forum

You should have a perfect website to do this business. Actually, a website is a brand mark for you. Clients come to see your site and purchase from you. Either, you can describe your card advantage, price, delivery time and usages condition to many online forums. Commenting in different blog, email to clients, and advertising is another solution. youtube video sharing also another promotion. Anyways, those all marketing methods can help you grow this business.

For better product listing you can make a website using wordpress WooCommerce . For an example, you should list $5 balance card selling price is $7 etc. As soon as you known by some clients you start receiving orders from them.

Source of virtual card? Where you get them before selling

You must have source of virtual card in order to sell it. So your main question is where to produce the card? Simple answer is:- Many online website, merchant account, your online banking account provide such card for one time use. Stripe, revolut, PST net etc source is best for getting card. Just you need to have an account in such website. You are ready to create virtual card yourself. There is very good functionality to set balance, top-up, usages limit etc. Based on your customer demand you can set limits. Copy the card details and send by email to your customer.

This business is fully risk free. You can continue it all times. There is no restrictions to selling virtual card. You can do this business from any country. for more details and proper business plan we have a course for it which price $100. you can contact us to participate and learn all hidden secrets.